Since I'm also an author of Young Adult fiction, I have had the wonderful opportunity to meet some very talented authors. I thought as a fun feature, I'd post some interviews on SKOW.
I will include all genres, if there's a certain author you'd like me to interview, leave a comment. I will do my best to get them on the blog. SKOW will of course have author book signings and other events as soon as we open.
Please welcome Carrie Harris to Some Kind of Wonderful.

1. What projects are you working on/have published?
Well, my first book is called BAD TASTE IN BOYS, and it comes out in July 2011. It’s about a science geek who learns that her high school football team has been dosed with steroids…or maybe not. Whatever’s in those vials is turning hot gridiron hunks into mindless, flesh-eating zombies. Which is bad. But if she doesn’t find a way to cure them, it’ll be even worse.
Dum dum DUM.
I’ve also just sold two more books, which means that I’m constantly bouncing around and going, “EEEEEEEEE!” all the time. My second book is a sequel called BAD HAIR DAY, and it’s about werewolves and nanotechnology and shaved bears in lab coats and blueberry flavored astronauts and bath mats made out of human hair.
Which all goes to prove one simple point—I am an ideal candidate for psychotherapy.
Kitty: Wowza...bath mats and made out of human hair and blueberries...that musta been one crazy night.
2. What's your road to publication story?
Well, the road to publication was very long for me. Like *cough* fifteen years. *cough* This was mostly because I had no idea what I wanted to write. I dabbled in poetry, screenplays, stage plays, short stories, and depressing adult books before finally finding my way to YA, which is where I belong! When The Email finally came, I ran around the house screaming and then left a voice mail for my husband that said: “OhmygodcallmecallmeCALLMERIGHTNOW!” And then I put Thriller on and did the dance, because that’s obviously the best way to celebrate selling a zombie book.
About an hour later, I realized I should probably email my agent back. I went to my computer and found another email from her asking if the shock had killed me and did she need to call an ambulance.
Kitty: OMG! I loved that you brought the Thriller. I just walked around with a goofy toothy grin when I sold, I was still in shock.
3. Why YA?
I spent a long time trying to be a “serious” writer, because I thought that would get me respect. Which is ridiculous, because first of all, I’m not a serious person. I’ll devour a good drama, sure, but most of the time you can find me reading books that are chock full of paranormal beasties or laugh-out-loud moments. And really, what’s more worthy of respect than writing books that get teens interested in reading, even if they are full of sparkly vampires or glow-in-the-dark merpires or whatever?
4. Best writing advice you've heard?
I actually met Gwendolyn Brooks once, and after I got done quaking in my boots and actually got up the nerve to approach her, I said, “I think I might want to be a writer.” And she said, “Be what you are,” which made me gape a lot and nod like I knew what she meant even though I had no freaking clue. But after spending years trying to write like other people I admired, I think I’ve figured it out. Now I embrace the fact that I’m a monster-obsessed smart aleck. It’s what I am. I’m tired of trying to be what I’m not, and I’m happy with what I am, even if it means that I have to publicly admit my obsession with Frankenthulhu.
5. What inspires you?
I like surrounding myself with interesting people. That way when I start spouting off about zombies and werewolves and things, they don’t look at me funny or try to have me committed. This is why I’m married to a ninja doctor. My son idolizes Billy Idol. My daughters are the only four year olds I know who are well versed in the best ways to kill a zombie. My friends are the kinds of people who think Bacon Parties are completely normal, and when my in laws go on trips, they don’t bring me t-shirts. They bring me monster bracelets.
So whenever I’m feeling a little down or struggling for good ideas, there’s always something fun and strange and marvelous going on around me. Which is quite plainly AWESOME.
6. Did you write stories as a teen? If yes, what has/hasn't changed?
I did. I actually got hooked on writing in my freshman English class. I turned in my first creative writing assignment, and I got an F. I was not an F kind of girl. In fact, that F felt like the freaking scarlet letter! So I worked my butt off on the next assignment and ended up with an A+. Mrs. Elrick read it in front of the class, and I was officially hooked!
Not much has changed, really. I’m still just as hooked as I was then. But instead of hiding my writing in the little space between my writing desk and the wall, I put it out there for people to read.
7. Describe your office/workspace/writer's cave.
I have an office, but I never use it. Instead, I sit on the sofa in front of my picture window. That way I can look out on the street and watch for stray zombies. I believe in personal safety.
Today, the sofa is covered in Kleenex. I’ve got a cold. You don’t want to see a picture of that. Trust me on this one.
8. Who is your favorite character in your work and why?
I have a massive crush on Kate’s little brother Jonah. Don’t get me wrong; the love interest in my book is smart, handsome, witty, and loyal to a fault. He’s pretty much a dream guy, but maybe that’s why I’m so impressed with Jonah. We expect heroics from someone like Aaron. We don’t expect them from a scrawny geek boy whose Adam’s apple has a larger circumference than his waist. To me, that’s bravery. Jonah’s the guy who can’t possibly win, not against a posse of undead defensive linemen. He’s smart; he knows this. But he’s not about to leave his sister to face them alone, no matter what the cost.
So even though it goes against my love of seriously hot guys, I’m totally TEAM JONAH.
Thanks so much for having me!!!!
Carrie has a really cool blog check it out here.
Thanks Carrie, had a blast.
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