Thursday, June 9, 2011

Interior Shots of the "before"

 I thought I'd share an interior shot of the building prior to renovation. (Indiana Landmarks had performed some restoration work to the interior.) Unfortunately, the wonderful wood ceilings are not allowed due to fire code. (So sad.) One half  of the ceiling was already removed prior to me purchasing the building. Most of the wood was saved. I'm hoping that I might be able to use the wood in the upstairs unit in some form or another.

 Also in this picture you can see the wood floors. They are a bit dirty and covered with a paper backing in some places where a linoleum floor was placed over them and later removed.

I love the original wood floors, warping, cupping and  all.

I am hoping to paint them, as it was traditional to do so in that period. Depending on how they clean up maybe I'll even stain them. Keep your fingers crossed. I would hate to cover them up.

I have been meeting with contractors all week and hope to have some bids in soon. I'm itching to start this project.


  1. So exciting! I hope you can use that wood, too.

  2. I love old wooden flooring. Scarred, dinged, warped, whatever. Good thing since my home is full of same. Maybe you can use the ceiling wood in building cabinetry. It's going to be fun to follow your store's progress. Don't know why Google doesn't recognize me, Kitty. But it's Bonnie Doerr here checking in.

  3. I can't wait for you to open! I've said for years that we need a bookstore with somewhere to sit, have a good cup of coffee and read. Have you thought about using the replica tin ceiling tiles in there to keep with the historic decor? Most of the downtown buildings had those back in the day.

  4. Thank you Jennifer, Bonnie and Cheryl! Update the wood ceilng does have to come down due to firecode. I need to have a two hour separation between floor. :(
    I would love to havve the tin ceilings downstairs, but can't due to code. I can have them upstairs. I priced them awhile back. They are a bit salty! But might live with open beams untl I can afford them.
